Thursday, 4 March 2010

what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For this project I had to learn how to use Photoshop and Quark express. Both software's are used to make my magazine look like a real media product in different ways. They both have different tools and techniques to give different effects to my magazine. I used Photoshop to edit images and used tools such as brush tools, colour editing, contrast editing, cropping, brightness editing, and an airbrushing tool. Photoshop was used to create my front cover and contents page.
I also learnt how to use Quark express effectively to make my double page spread. I used columns for my interview so that my layout and font looked professional.
When taking the pictures to feature in my magazine, I had to use a digital SLR camera and learnt how zooming in and contrasting of colours was useful and effective. I also learnt how different lighting affected a picture, as it can make certain features stand out, and also different backgrounds for the photo's are effective as this can make the model stand out, or blend in.
My preferred software to use is Photoshop, as I found this is was a lot easier to use than Quark express, and I had used it before so I knew what tools to use. I also found it made the magazine look a lot professional as I knew what I was doing. It's very easy to use once you know what the tools are, where as I found Quark express took up a lot of my time as I had to toy around with it and once I got the hang of it, it became easier.
I also found using the internet to gather my research was a great help. It meant I had a wide area of research and meant I could view magazines I had never even heard of before. I also used '' to get different fonts for my magazine to make it unique. I then used '' to keep a blog of every step of my magazine process. I had never heard of blogger before, but found it very easy to use straight away.

who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be both men and women aged 16-25, who are into music that has meaning. My magazine would feature interviews, fashion and other articles such as the lastest news and reviews. On a jicnar scale they would be about C1/C2 and they would be aspriers and hedonists.

what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine is aimed at a younger generation aged 16-25, who are loyal readers and will buy the latest issue as soon as it comes out. My magazine is mainstream and therefore be distributed by larger distributors such as Frontline. They are one of the largest distributors and distribute to the largest retail outlets across the country. The benefits of having my magazine distributed through a major company is so that my media product is more accessible to the public, which therefore results in profit and larger sales. My magazine would be sold in large stores such as Tesco, WhSmiths, newsagents and music stores, such as HMV which are the stores my audience visit. This is so that it can reach a wider audience, and is available to more people.